Certified quality management system

MI 2000
The MI-2000 High-Voltage Megohmmeters are truly portable devices that allow the measurement of insulation resistances using test voltages up to 20kV. They employ a state-of-the-art technology for the safe measurements of insulation resistances up to 4TΩ with four test voltages: 5kV - 10kV - 15kV and 20kV. Readings are performed through an easy-to read analogue indicator. This equipment is specially well suited to test isolation resistances in transmission lines and medium voltage distribution systems, whether aerial or underground. They allow to perform testing with voltages near to the operational value. Besides, it is an excellent auxiliary when detecting cable failures. In order to maximize the operator's safety, this equipment was made within a plastic cabinet of high dielectric strength, with no metallic accessible parts. A light indicator warns about dangerous voltages presence, both in the equipment and in the element under testing, and switches off only when the discharge process has finished.
previously €2,490.00*
- 10KV Megohmmeter
- Insulation resistance up to 2TΩ
- Test voltages: 5kV - 10kV
- Guard terminal
- Rechargeable power-battery
- Multiple scales for precision improvement
- Charger 110 and 230 V
- Accurate & rugged Heavy-Duty-Equipment
- IP-54 protection
- CE mark
- 20KV Megohmmeter
- Insulation resistance up to 4TΩ
- Test voltages: 5kV - 20kV
- Guard terminal
- Rechargeable power-battery
- Multiple scales for precision improvement
- Charger 110 and 230 V
- Accurate & rugged Heavy-Duty-Equipment
- IP-54 protection
- CE mark