Measurement Technology
- Impedance Analyzer
- Battery tester
- Calibration Services
- Capacitance Meter
- DC Bias Current Source
- Digital Power Meter
- Earth Tester
- Ground Bond Tester
- HV Probe
- High Voltage Relays
- Hipot tester
- Insulation Tester
- LCR Meter
- Measurement Software
- Megohmmeter
- Microohmmeter
- Milliohmmeter
- Multimeter
- Relay Matrix
- Rental Equipment
- Safety Tester
- Surge Tester
- Test Systems
- Transformer Tester
- Transport Cases
Certified quality management system

Impedance Analyzer
The Impedance meter serves for the precise assessment and characterization of electronic components, switching circuits and materials. The impedance meter can measure over numerous frequencies to determine valuable data about the item being analyzed. The ST2826 impedance meter has numerable measuring functions with respect to capacitance, inductivity, resistance, quality factor, leakage inductance, DCR und a few more. The intuitive menu navigation with a clearly arranged matrix makes quick programming possible. In addition the impedance analyzer includes a built in keyboard. Various measuring speeds, equivalent source impedances and resistance modes are fully selectable. Particularly important, the impedance analyzer can be controlled with ease with the built in convenient Min-Max comparator. This comparator function saves large amounts of time and can minimize mistakes due to human error. The visual GO/ NO GO results of the impedance measurements are additionally output over a signal tone. Through the built in network failure protection, with battery backup, no data is loss. Measuring readings at different frequencies can be stored in the memory (100 program- memory) or in the expandable memory with a CF card. Through easy control over the convenient RS232 interface the impedance bridge is ideally suited to be used in conjunction with existing measuring technology conditions, such as LabView, Active X or other software. With this impedance bridge, with its large bright display, you'll always have access to a readout of all measuring functions.
- Frequencies: 20Hz - 5MHz
- Basic accuracy: 0.1 %
- Test parameters: C, L, R,Z,Y,X,B, G, D, Q, θ, DCR
- 320x240 backlight LCD-display
- Interface: LAN, USB, RS232, Handler, (GPIB optional)
- Measurig time: 5ms
- Comparator function
- Frequencies: 50Hz - 2MHz
- Basic accuracy: 0.1 %
- Test parameters: C, L, R,Z,Y,X,B, G, D, Q, θ, DCR
- 320x240 backlight LCD-display
- Interface: LAN, USB, RS232, Handler, (GPIB optional)
- Measurig time: 5ms
- Comparator function