Electric and magnetic SI units
Analogies can be found between the electrical circuit and the magnetic circuit. According to the ohmic resistance, a magnetic resistance is therefore defined in a magnetic circuit. In an electrical circuit the voltage is the reason for the electric current. The magnetic field of an electromagnet is induced by the magnetomotive force of an operating coil. Thus, the magnetomotive force corresponds to the magnetic voltage.
Symbol | Name of Quantity | Derived Units | Unit | Equation |
U | Voltage | Volt | V | |
Q | Magnetomotive force | Ampere | A | Q = I * N |
I | Electric current | Ampere | A | |
F | Magnetic flux | Weber | Wb (Vs) | |
J | Electric current density | Ampere/Square meter | A/m2 | |
B | Magnetic field density | Tesla | T | B = F / A |
s | Electrical conductivity | Siemens / Meter | S/m | |
µ | Permeability | Henry/Meter | H/m | µ = µ0 * µr |
R | Electrical resistance | Ohm | 1Ú2 | |
Rm | Electrical resistance | Ampere/Weber | A/Wb | Rm = l/(µ*A) |
G | electrical conductance | Siemens | S | G = 1 / R |
L | Magnetic permeance | Weber/Ampere | Wb/A | L = 1 / Rm |
Ohm’s Law | U = I * R | Q = F * Rm | ||
L | Inductance | Henry | H | |
C | Capacitance | Farad | F | |
P | Real power | Watt | W | |
S | Complex power | Voltampere | VA | |
Q | Reactive power | Voltampere / Reactive | var | |
E | Electric field | Volt/Meter | V/m | |
Q | Electric Charge | Coulomb | C | |
D | Electric displacement field | Coulomb / Squaremeter | C/m2 | |
H | Magnetic field | Ampere / Meter | A/m |